Alright. I have an almost five-year-old that I can tell you I do not think he understands data mesh. So going, backing up a moment, so there's no end to the amount of data we are collecting, right? And it grows exponentially every day. You can imagine the curve that you see on that chart that everyone always posts, which is like the growth of data year over year. Organizing, maintaining, and managing that data is an incredibly challenging as a problem, right? It's not just like how you get insights and how you keep the quality of the data through the stack and things like that. It's more around like who owns the data, right? Who is responsible for it?
And that's very clear with products, but it's less clear with data. And so the idea is if you start to treat data as a product, you'll actually get the value you need out of data. I read some statistics that 87% of data and analytics projects never make it to production. I don't know if that number's true.
I don't know how they're measuring that. I'm always sceptical of data but definitely, I don't think that's far off. I've seen a lot of failed projects over the years, or projects that just take years longer than they should because it's so complex. And so the idea of data mesh and data as a product is to really treat data as a product, which means applying product thinking to it, and normally, most data paradigms like data fabric or centralized data warehouses or whatever you have, are focused on the idea of the data consumers or the ones that you're getting and value out of the data. Everybody else just throws the data at them, and then they use the data to make these amazing insights.
So instead, let's apply product thinking and make the actual producers of the data responsible. For the end use of the data. So they're treating data as a product. And so flipping that on its head, you're like, okay, that means we need to like, organize the people who are actually producing and consuming the data into these business units or lines of business or, organizations called Domains.
And that's just a group of people with similar interests in the product. And then you also need to think about it. They're not necessarily gonna be experts in infrastructure. So like you might need a central IT team, you're really thinking about the idea of a self-service data infrastructure.
Not self-service analytics, but self-service data infrastructure. And that can be Starburst, it can be any number of things. As a side note, one thing I like about Starburst is that we haven't pushed the Starburst aspect of it. We're more interested in the data mesh itself. But that said, from there then you start to think about governance, cuz that's always the thing you have to think about, right?
So really the idea of federating that governance and the responsibilities around that governance and making some of the onus on the data producers, but then some of the onus on the organization as a whole. And that federated model really comes out in a data mesh. And so data mesh is really those four principles, domain-driven architecture and organization data as a product.
The self-service, data infrastructure, and federated computational governance. And so if you're really building a data architecture and organization and that both the people and the technology around those ideas, you end up with this thing called the data mesh.