There is a backstory and there is also, how things started. The backstory is that some of the developers in our team are contributors to the open source-code and they know ClickHouse and our CTO used to build the first managed ClickHouse ever in the world.
And, that was tested on quite a lot of customers and then he moved to DoubleCloud. So there is this expertise but then, we are data company, meaning we talk a lot with the companies out there and trying to understand what's really happening. What's the real need?
And ClickHouse is one thing but the real need, you said it yourself. Okay. There is OLTP. And there is a OLAP database. It doesn't mean that you, for example, if you have Postgres, it doesn't mean that you're forgetting about fantastic database as Postgres. No, you keep it, but you also can offload your analytics to ClickHouse.
But then you have a very specific question. How do you replicate the data seamlessly from Postgres to ClickHouse? And we have a tool for that, there are tools out there, there are lots of ELT tools, nobody, even on your website there are I think four to five ELT tools that are mentioned.
The problem is that these tools are okay when you're working with a little amount of data or time is not crucial but when you need to replicate databases from one place to another, it can be Postgres, it can be Snowflake. It can be, it doesn't matter what database, but you need to replicate your data to a database like ClickHouse because you need analytics to be sub-second and all of this cannot do this.
Then, what tool do you use? And this is where our second expertise, we're looking from the use case end-to-end perspective and that's why we are providing you with the tool for that. And then we have a customer called Yango Deli. So what they do food delivery across African countries like they're operating in 16 African countries today and they're providing. So for example, you decided to create your own family business to deliver food but you need some technology to do this and the ideal is somebody actually gives you operational know-how.
What's to track and so on and so forth. So Yango Deli partners requested the dashboards to start with. They wanted to look at the things and to see how business is functioning. The problem is that the hole in data analytics of Yango Deli was built as a batch analytics and the dashboards were renewed daily, once a day.
And they looked at traditional tools not DoubleCloud, but traditional tools and they realized, okay, So if we we give our partners a dashboard, so it will take us almost one year to change the whole batch analytics to near real-time and second it will ruin us, so it won't work with our margins because, it's a licensing model per user for most visualization tools.
And they reached out to us and they started with our free visualization tool and then they built a so it reads the ClickHouse natively, and then they offloaded from their Postgres, they offloaded the data to ClickHouse to analyze it. And with that they got almost near real time dashboarding that they give to their partners.
And all of that they managed to do within one week and this is a real use case today. It changed completely the ecosystem and this is where our expertise lies. We talk a lot with the companies out there and we believe that we understand what's the real use case and provide tools for that.